The goal of this massage is to enhance athletic performance and to facilitate rapid muscle recovery post-workout.
Sports massage improves muscle flexibility and endurance.
It serves to minimize the risk of injuries during sport activities.
Massage helps prevent post-sport muscle soreness in overworked muscles.
Sport massage enhances the muscles’ ability to both tense up and relax. It promotes muscle tissue growth.
Sports massage also enhances the contraction of smooth muscle walls, which are beyond our conscious control. This improvement positively impacts digestion and nutrient absorption in the intestines.
Furthermore, stimulating joints and periarticular (around joints) surfaces through sports massage increases heart rate, heart contractility, and tidal volume(the amount of air taken in with each normal breath), thus improving lung ventilation.
Sports massage stimulates the endocrine system, leading to histamine release. Histamine serves as a potent neurotransmitter in numerous physiological processes such as vasoconstriction or vasodilation.